Friday, September 4, 2009

Have any of you had this happen on your blog?

If you noticed, I deleted a comment from my 'Eye of the Quilter' post a couple of days ago. This comment was something about wallpapers for your pc and also said I could post my blog link on their website. It included a link and when I went to check it out it was a pornographic site. I was really shocked.

I hope someone hasn't figured out how to send random comments to blogs like spam emails. Has this happened to any of your on your blogs?


Vicki W said...

I get a random spam comment from time to time. I just delete them but I do wonder if they have some schmuck that does nothing but visit random blogs all day and post those comments.

Michelle said...

strange, since you have word verification ... do you have comment moderation as well? I use both. I think maybe twice I've not approved a comment that was either inappropriate or trying to sell something. Feels like you just can't get away from these creeps! At least with comment mod you can get to it before it lands on your blog.

Beena said...

It hasn't happened on my blog yet, but I'm sure it might at some point. It did happen on a friend's blog that I visited. The comment was really negative, then the link. I went to the link, because I was annoyed they'd leave a comment like that on my friend's blog. It wasn't a pornographic site, but your basic spam. Interestingly enough, there was a comment section there on the linked site. All these people were calling her spam, and telling her to stay off their blogs! Not very politely, either.

Dotti said...

Oh Judy, isn't it disgusting! I also have word verification and moderation enabled. I've only been blogging Since July 3rd of this year and I've kicked off three questionable comments.

Anonymous said...

I put on comment moderation because of this sort of thing! It does seem that every time there is a new way to stop them, they find a way around it.

Judy Alexander said...

Sounds like I need to turn on comment moderation since I don't want this to happen again. Thanks for sharing your experiences and advice.