These are the small quilts I have donated to Collage Mania where all proceeds go to the American Cancer Society. You can read about it at http://www.virginiaspiegel.com/CollageMania2009.html . I have been very fortunate in my life and really have not been touched by cancer until recently. Two weeks ago today the young mother of a 6 year old who was in my Granddaughters class died of breast cancer. Also a friend of mine got the news that her breast cancer had spread and the prognosis is not good. She has 3 teenage sons and a 21 year old. Please support this effort and you will have the opportunity to own some great art and help fight this awful disease.
The first quilt is painted Warm and Natural that is heavily thread painted. It's called 'Monet's Garden' and is 7" w x 8" h.

The second quilt is called "Pear (par) n.". I painted the background fabric and then dry brushed on different paints and added more color by using different mesh bags as stencils. For the pear I used a stamp to get the outline of the image and then painted it to get the 3D effect. The pear is lightly stuffed for more 3D. The words are free motion stitched along with the rest of the quilt. This one is 9w x 7h.