Wednesday, October 29, 2008

My Journal Quilt in Houston

Now that the Houston show is underway I can show a full picture of my journal quilt 'Flight Over Greenland'. This quilt is based on a picture that I took when I was returning from a business trip to Denmark. I was sitting in business class and
everyone was watching movies so all the window shades
were closed. The pilot announced that we were flying over
Greenland and that in was a really beautiful sight. I opened my window shade and was stunned by the simple beauty of this scene. The sky was an incredible blue and the snow covered mountains surrounded by icy water glistened in the bright sun. I always have my camera and immediately started taking pictures. This was not a popular thing since I was letting in light and I did get some dirty looks from the people around me. I knew that this had to be my journal quilt so I could share this incredible sight and hopefully help people appreciate our beautiful earth.
This piece is painted whole cloth with Angelina fibers added to give sparkle to the water. The 'window' is painted shirt interfacing. If you are going to the show also look for my quilt 'It's All Relatives' that appears in the Quilting Arts 2009 Calendar and will be displayed in the Quilting Arts booth and my quilt 'Birthday Wishes' that is in the judged competition.


Edzellinni aka Linda Edkins Wyatt said...

Fabulous! I especially like the way you simulated a plane window...makes me feel like I am there.

margaret said...

Lovely piece! I too have been amazed to look down and see snow-covered Greenland. The patches of deepest and most beautiful turquoise in the middle of the icy wastes of central Greenland puzzled me - they are the melting glaciers - so beautiful, but so worrying.

frazzledsugarplummum said...

Wonderful. Thank you for giving me a glimpse of Greenland. It is soooo realistic.