I did purchase Susan's DVD, Master Machine Stitching, from Interweave and actually thought it was quite good. The quality of the DVDs has really improved from the first ones that they put out. I bought one a couple of years ago (won't say which one) that was awful to say the least. A couple of my friends thought the same of videos they purchased. At the time I was shocked that Quilting Arts would put out such a poor product. Have any of you had any experience with these DVDs?
Very nice! I haven't purchased any of the QA DVD's yet. I went through a period of buying some really crappy DVDs and videos and mostly stopped buying them.
Love your thread sketching! And yes their early dvds were horrible. But the new ones...I just bought one and about a week after I got it, the entire basic technique was given away free in the Quilting Arts Daily enewsletter. I was a little incensed to say the least!
Fabulous work, Judy! And great to see you blogging again!
I purchased Susan's new one as a download a few weeks ago and couldn't be happier. I stitched up the apple she showed and it turned out great. Your little piece is beautiful!
I got one of the first ones recently also, and had a very hard time with the quality. Very disappointed.
Judy, I love your thread-sketched piece! It is lovely. And I'm happy to hear that you liked my DVD and found it informative.
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