Here is the reason that I have been so neglectful of my art and blog the last couple of months. Our house in NC is actually starting to look like a house! We think it should be finished in another 5 or 6 weeks and then maybe things will get back to normal.
I have actually been home this week and have been working on trying to catch up on a few projects. When I went downstairs to my studio I spent the first 2 hours cleaning up from my last rush of overdue projects. To say it was a mess is really an understatement. Not that it is really organized right now (not even close!) but I can at least see the floor and my work table. So here I am again behind the eight ball with my Fiberactions challenge quilt. The word for this round is 'Memory' and I like what I have started. My goal is to have it done before Monday since this week the house is being dry walled and we will be painting the finish coat on the walls ourselves. I hate to think of how many rooms I have painted but I actually enjoy it. I love the feeling of accomplishment and it is amazing what a little color can do for a room. I don't do pastel walls and love bold colors. I will try to do better keeping up and thanks to any followers I may have left! Enjoy the holiday weekend.